Allies Improving Primary Health Care

Primary health care is 'primary' for a reason. It is the foundation of strong health systems that can deliver quality, integrated, people-centered care in every community – which is vital to global health security, universal health coverage, and Health for All. 

The Allies Improving PHC –– 125+ organizations from 35+ countries –– are a group of global and local organizations who committed to advocate for strong primary health care. They represent a wide range of stakeholders, including civil society organizations across countries and issue areas, health workers and patient advocacy groups, international NGOs and schools of public health, researchers and private sector representatives, and more. View the Allies Improving PHC membership below. 

In joining, all Allies Improving PHC pledged to:

  • Promote primary health care as the foundation of strong health systems and universal health coverage by actively and consistently speaking out at key national and global health moments;

  • Identify and exchange opportunities for collective action to drive policies and investments, grounded in data and evidence, that can help build resilient PHC systems that serve all people; 

  • Mainstream a primary health care approach within own organization's strategy, advocacy, and programming.

In September 2022, the Allies launched an Open Letter urging action on primary health care as a 3-for-1 investment in universal health coverage, health security, and better health and well-being, ultimately signed by 239 organizations and 157 individuals across 65 countries. Additionally, in 2022, several Allies received micro-grants from the PHCPI Secretariat in support of their advocacy work -- view results from those projects here and here

In March 2023, after the conclusion of the PHCPI Secretariat, PATH – an inaugural member of the Allies, co-host of the launch of the Allies' Open Letter, and longtime partner in championing primary health care – offered to continue hosting the Allies Improving PHC network through 2023.

If your organization is interested in joining Allies improving PHC, please sign up here.

Advisors to the Allies Improving PHC

Dr. Lola Dare, Chestrad Global; Dr. Ibtihal Fadhil, Eastern Mediterranean NCD Alliance; Dr. Aminu Magashi Garba, Africa Health Budget Network; Arush Lal, PhD Candidate, London School of Economics & Political Science; Dr. Neda Milevska-Kostova, IAPO Patients for Patient Safety Observatory; Assoc. Professor Shabir Ahmed Hassim Moosa, African Forum for Primary Health Care; Patricia Nudi Orawo, STADA Kenya; Chanthorn Phorng, Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance

Organizational Members

  • Academic and Career Development Initiative Cameroon (ACADI)

  • African Forum for Primary Health Care (AFROPHC)

  • Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN)

  • African Parliamentary Forum on Population & Development

  • African Research and Action Institute (AFRAC)

  • Alliance for Reproductive Health Rights

  • American University of Nigeria

  • Americas TB Coalition

  • Amref Health Africa

  • ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Mahidol University

  • Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance

  • Associação de Profissionais Licenciados de Optometria - APLO

  • Associação Santomense para Promoção Familiar

  • Association For Promotion Sustainable Development

  • Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH)

  • Association HERA XXI

  • BCH Africa Cameroon

  • Boston University Global Health Collaborative

  • Brahmanbazar Christian Health Project (BCHP)

  • Care 2 Communities

  • Care and Compassion Network

  • Center for Health Policy and Management, Universitas Gadjah Mada

  • Chemonics International

  • Chestrad Global

  • Civil Society Movement Against TB (CISMAT-SL)

  • Community Forum (COFO)

  • Community Health Impact Coalition

  • Community Health Worker Central

  • Community Initiative Action Group Kenya

  • Community Partners International

  • Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) - Zimbabwe

  • Conseil sur la Santé et l'Académie de Médecine "COSAMED"


  • Dentalcare Foundation

  • Divine Mother and Child Foundation

  • Eastern Mediterranean NCD Alliance

  • E-Center For Women's Cancers and Maternal Health

  • Egyptian NCD Alliance

  • European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC)

  • Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

  • FOCUS 1000

  • Fundación Plenitud

  • George Institute for Global Health

  • Global Health Corps

  • Global Institute of Disease Elimination (GLIDE)

  • Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP)

  • Global Primary Care Consultants

  • Global Promoters for Community Initiatives

  • Haiti Health Network

  • Health Action Coordinating Committee

  • Health Campaign Effectiveness Coalition

  • Health Economists Association

  • Health NGOs Network (HENNET)

  • HealthX Africa

  • Herwa Community Development Initiative

  • Horizon Medical Education LTD

  • IAPO Patients for Patient Safety Observatory

  • Indian Social Service Institute

  • Initiative for Social Development in Africa (iSODAF)

  • International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO) 

  • International Center for Equity in Health, University of Pelotos

  • International Community of women living with HIV Eastern Africa

  • Inuka Success Organization

  • Jhpiego

  • Joint Learning Network

  • Julie Helping Hands Foundation (JHF)

  • Management Sciences for Health

  • Millennium Promise Alliance

  • Mutah University

  • Mwarakaya Youth Group Initiative (MYGI)

  • NCD Alliance

  • Nkomwa Foundation Trust

  • Options

  • Oriole Global Health

  • Outreach Scout Foundation (OSF)

  • PAI

  • Pangaea Zimbabwe AIDS Trust

  • PATH

  • Pearls Care Initiative

  • People's Health Movement Tanzania (PHM Tanzania)

  • PharmAccess Group

  • Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria

  • Population Services International (PSI)

  • Primary Care International (PCI)

  • Primary Health Care Research Consortium

  • Reproductive Advocate Health Education Ghana (RAHE GHANA)

  • Reproductive Health Uganda

  • Rural and Remote Medical Services (Australia's)

  • Rural Wonca

  • Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy

  • Salud para Todos Argentina

  • Sangwari - People’s Association for Equity and Health

  • School of Medicine, University for Development Studies

  • School of Public Health Thiruvananthapuram

  • SEED Madagascar (SEED)


  • Soc Trang Center For Social Science Engagement (SCSE)

  • Speak Up Africa

  • STADA Kenya

  • Stage Media Arts CBO

  • Stroke Association Support Network -Ghana (SASNETGHANA)

  • Stroke Foundation Uganda (SFU)

  • Success Capital Organisation 

  • The Airlangga Centre for Health Policy (ACeHAP)

  • TINADA Youth Organization (TiYo)

  • Tunaweza Organization

  • Uganda Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (UAPO)

  • Uganda Community Based Health Care Association (UCBHCA)

  • Ugenya Youth Community Development Project (UYCDP)

  • Ukana West 2 Community Based Health Initiative (CBHI)

  • Umbrella of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities in the fight against HIV&AIDS and for Health Promotion (UPHLS)

  • United Nations Foundation

  • VAHA (Value Health Africa)

  • Vietnam Public Health Association

  • VillageReach

  • WACI Health

  • White Ribbon Alliance

  • WHOCC on Family Medicine and Primary Health Care - Ghent University

  • Women Health Channel Uganda

  • World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA)

  • Young Women's Knowledge and Leadership Institute Burundi (YOWLI BURUNDI)


  • Kenya Association of Family Physicians (KAFP)

  • Key Populations Uganda - KPU

  • Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance (KHANA)

  • Kisumu Medical and Education Trust (KMET)

  • Life Bloom Services International

  • Living Goods

  • Local Initiatives Development Agency (LIDA)

  • Macroeconomics and Health NGO


After the Allies Improving PHC launched an Open Letter in September 2022 - one year out from multiple health-related High-Level Meetings and the SDG Summit - a total of 239 organizations and 157 individuals from 65 countries signed on to urge leaders to "make this time different" by prioritizing primary health care as a 3-for-1 investment in universal health coverage, health security and better health and well-being.





In 2022, 13 organizations were selected to receive micro-grants to support their primary health care advocacy efforts. These groups came together in March 2023 to share impact, lessons learned, and calls to action from these projects. View a summary of project highlights here to learn more and explore opportunities for collaboration.

Learn More


Advocate. Community Health Worker. Family Doctor. Policymaker. In early 2023, a group of primary health care champions in Kisumu, Kenya opened their doors to share how they are making their communities stronger with primary health care. This video series aims to share their stories and lessons with the world.